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Higher Education in US: Many Schools Accept the IELTS(免费使用)

Milton Friedman Saw Free Markets as a Tool for 'Human Freedom'

Press Freedom Still Out of Reach in Many Countries

Experts Say 'Lost' Crops Can Fight Hunger in Africa

Dealing With Children's Bed-Wetting

Taking the GMAT to Get Into Business School

American Competitiveness: Too Many Rules?

Seeing More Forest for the Trees: A Brighter Future for World's Forests?

Tapping Into Vermont's Maple Syrup Industry

Childhood Bed-Wetting: Some Advice for Parents

Foreign Student Series: Your Questions About Admissions Tests

White House Increases Support for Malaria Fight

Study Shows Just How Unequally Divided the World's Wealth Is

Christmas a Jolly Season for Tree Farmers

Foreign Student Series: Adding Up the Costs of Study in the US

Click, Click, Click. What's That? Another Online Sale

Increase in Violent Crime in US Brings Attention, Theories

Microbicides to Protect Women From AIDS Move Into Final Tests

Biotech Foods Continue to Produce Mixed Feelings in US

Healthier Eating in New York Hard For Some to Swallow

College Costs in US: Tuition, Housing ... Health Care

War in Iraq Voted Top News Story of 2006

The Housing Market Slows, Charity Gains and Economics Loses Two Great Thinkers