


类别: 成人  >  成人  >  行业英语



大力发展职业教育是我国长期的战略性任务。最近颁布的《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定:“国家通过各种途径,采取各种措施,发展职业培训事业,开发劳动者的职业技能,提高劳动者的素质,增强劳动者的就业能力和工作能力。”我们要树立这样的目标,即要逐步做到使大多数新生劳动力基本上能够受到适应从业岗位需要的、最基本的职业技术训练,从事技术工种的劳动者,上岗前必须经过培训。技工学校是培养工人后备力量的专门学校,是职业技术教育的重要组成部分。我国工人队伍中的骨干力量,大多是技工学校培养的。因此,技工学校的办学质量,直接影响我国工人队伍的素质。教材作为办学的基本要素,对提高学生素质有着重要的影响。随着职业教育的发展,教材建设的任务十分繁重。为了更好地完成这一任务,需要制订出近期和长远的规划,要逐步建成适合技工学校使用的、品种多、配套全的教材系列,为发展我国技工教育服务。 加快发展第三产业,是我国社会主义经济发展过程中的一项具有重大战略意义的决策。加快第三产业的发展,是生产力提高和社会进步的必然结果;加快第三产业的发展,是生产力提高和社会进步的必然结果;加快第三产业的发展,可以促进市场充分发育,是适应社会主义市场经济的需要;加快第三产业的发展,是缓解经济生活中深层次矛盾和促进经济发展的有效途径;加快第三产业的发展,是缓解我国日益严峻的就业压力的重要出路;加快第三产业的发展,可以促进社会主义物质和精神文明建设。技工学校为了贯彻中央加快发展第三产业的决定,纷纷调整专业方向。中国劳动出版社为了适应这一新形势,及时调整了出版力量,不失时机地组织编写了商品经营、中式烹调、饭店服务等三个专业的教材。这批教材的问世,对技工学校的专业调整,无疑是一个有力的支持。


Part Ⅰ Courtesy English Lesson One Welcome to China(免费使用)

Part Ⅰ Courtesy English Lesson Two May I have your name, please?

Part Ⅰ Courtesy English Lesson Three Saying Goodbye

Part Ⅰ Courtesy English Lesson Four Thanks

Part Ⅰ Courtesy English Lesson Five Apology

Part Ⅰ Courtesy English Lesson Six Appointments

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson One A Call Reservation

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Two At the Door

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Three Registering

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Four Carrying Baggage

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Five Introducing Hotel Services

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Six Introducing Some Scenic Spots

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Seven Booking Tickets

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Eight How Can I Get to the Museum?

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Nine Mail Service

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Ten In the Hotel Business Center

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Eleven At the Foreign Exchange Desk

Part Ⅱ The Front Office Lesson Twelve Checking Out

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson One Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Two Bell Service

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Three Chamber Service

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Four Laundry Service

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Five 24-Hour Room Service

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Six An Early Morning Call

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Seven Forwarding Mail

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Eight Leaving a Message

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Nine Repairing the Air Conditioner

Part Ⅲ The Housekeeping Department Lesson Ten Dealing with Emergency

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson One Making Reservations over the Telephone

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Two Reservation for a Banquet

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Three Receiving

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Four At the Dining Room

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Five Ordering Dishes

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Six Ordering Wines

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Seven Morning Tea

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Eight Coffee Shop and Snack Bar

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Nine Paying the Bill

Part Ⅳ Food and Beverage Department Lesson Ten Dealing with Complaints

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson One Telephone Calls

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Two At the Beauty Center

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Three At the Health Club

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Four Entertainment

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Five Shopping Center

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Six Lost and Found

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Seven Booking Facilities for a Congress

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Eight Having Documents and Visiting Cards Made

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Nine Indemnification

Part Ⅴ Miscellany Lesson Ten Ordering a Taxi