


类别: 成人  >  成人  >  行业英语



近年来,我国的海外劳务输出有了长足的发展,许多专业技术人员和其他劳务人员纷纷前往世界各地从事各种劳务活动。为了适应各地、各行业劳务输出及职业培训的需要,帮助准备境外就业的能工巧匠能够顺利掌握英语日常会话,特组织编写了《境外就业与劳务输出实用英语会话》。在教材编写过程中,我们充分考虑各行业及工种的要求,以日常生活、工作的会话为基础,并参照国外相应的教材和教育培训经验,确定教材内容,具有较强的职业针对性和适用性。 本教材共由二十七个单元构成,每个单元精心设计了若干具有代表性的场景会话,内容翔实,丰富实用。为了方便读者使用, 本教材既可作为海外劳务输出的英语培训教材使用,也可供自学者学习。


Part One One Departure/Arrival (1)(免费使用)

Part One One Departure/Arrival (2)

Part One Two At the Immigrations/the Customs (1)

Part One Two At the Immigrations/the Customs (2)

Part One Three Making Room Reservations/Booking Tickets (1)

Part One Three Making Room Reservations/Booking Tickets (2)

Part One Three Making Room Reservations/Booking Tickets (3)

Part One Four Checking In/Checking Out (1)

Part One Four Checking In/Checking Out (2)

Part One Five Greetings/Introduction (1)

Part One Five Greetings/Introduction (2)

Part One Six Paying Visits/Hosting Guests (1)

Part One Six Paying Visits/Hosting Guests (2)

Part One Seven Presenting/Receiving Gifts

Part One Eight Expressing Gratitude/Apology (1)

Part One Eight Expressing Gratitude/Apology (2)

Part One Nine Looking for a Flat/Making Telephone Calls (1)

Part One Nine Looking for a Flat/Making Telephone Calls (2)

Part One Ten Asking the Way/Asking Addresses (1)

Part One Ten Asking the Way/Asking Addresses (2)

Part One Eleven Date/Time

Part One Twelve Weather/Climate

Part One Thirteen Entertainments/Hobbies

Part One Fourteen Asking for Help/Dealing with Emergencies

Part Two Fifteen At the Construction Site (1)

Part Two Fifteen At the Construction Site (2)

Part Two Sixteen At the Gas Station

Part Two Seventeen At the Restaurant/At the Bar (1)

Part Two Seventeen At the Restaurant/At the Bar (2)

Part Two Eighteen At the Hospital/At the Pharmacy

Part Two Nineteen Public Transportation/Traffic Accidents (1)

Part Two Nineteen Public Transportation/Traffic Accidents (2)

Part Two Nineteen Public Transportation/Traffic Accidents (3)

Part Two Twenty At the Shop (1)

Part Two Twenty At the Shop (2)

Part Two Twenty-one At the Bank (1)

Part Two Twenty-one At the Bank (2)

Part Two Twenty-two At the Post Office

Part Two Twenty-three At the Beauty Parlor

Part Two Twenty-four Making Photocopy/Typing/Developing Films

Part Two Twenty-five Sightseeing

Part Two Twenty-six Lost & Found

Part Two Twenty-seven Insurance

Simulated Questions & Answers of an Interview