


类别: 初中  >  八年级  >  兴趣课程



“疯狂英语口语绝招”有声系列是专门为我国学生攻克英语口语难关而编写的,它一面世就受到了广大英语学习者的好评和欢迎。 本套系列丛书共有五套,分别是:《语音突破经典》、《脱口而出经典》、《句型经典》、《自我表达经典》和《场景会话经典》,从最基础的语音发音技巧的操练,到日常经典句型的演练,再到各种场景会话的磨练,本套书为读者提供了全方位的超强训练模式。这套丛书内容精彩、贴近生活、更贴近中国学生学习英语口语的特点,形式多样,内容轻松有趣,难度逐级提升,题材广泛,风格独特,是学习英语口语的最佳读物。 “疯狂英语口语绝招”强调的是“三最一口气”,即“模仿最准确、发音最到位、速度最流利”一口气。就语言本体而论,模仿是第一性的。离开了模仿,就谈不上语言学习。但模仿的方法、模仿的内容、模仿的要求和目标必须要有科学性。如果模仿的方法不恰当,模仿的内容不合适,就达不到模仿学习语言的要求和目标。模仿往往是一个从慢到快,直到熟练自如,最终形成自己的一套语言习惯的过程。从这点上讲,我们强调一开始就要准确地模仿,或者说要不断地趋向准确,因为在语言学习的过程中,还存在着一个自我修复的过程。要模仿准确,就必须要发音到位,它们是相辅相成的。要模仿准确就要不断地训练发音的器官。当我们的口腔肌肉、器官、运气、换气、气流等经过不断地模仿,得到一定量的训练时,这也就形成了自己的一套发音习惯,长此以往,速度就会获得提高,表达更流利;当我们说英语时,再也不会觉得让人听起来生硬,而是更具“洋”味。 每模仿一次,你就在使用一次,模仿几次后,你就能脱口而出。每学一句,就是一招,当你啃透这些标准发音和经典句型后,你的英语口语就能达到炉火纯青的地步。我们由衷地希望更多的英语学习者能通过疯狂英语“三最一口气”的学习,最快地提高自己英语交际的能力,早日实现自己的梦想。


Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Meeting People(免费使用)

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Saying Hello

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Answering an Introduction

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities I Have to Make Some Calls

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Making Appointments

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Talking about Time

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities Go Outdoors and Do a Bit of Sketching

Savvy 1 Social Interaction and Activities A Housewarming Party and a Tour Round the New Flat

Savvy 2 Family A Harmonious Family

Savvy 2 Family A Family Gathering-Celebrating the New Year

Savvy 3 Work and Study Talking about Work

Savvy 3 Work and Study Going to Work

Savvy 3 Work and Study Looking for a Job

Savvy 3 Work and Study Books Are Food for the Mind

Savvy 4 Social Services At the Hairdresser's Shop

Savvy 4 Social Services At the Barber's Shop

Savvy 4 Social Services At the Laundry

Savvy 4 Social Services At the Watch-maker's Shop

Savvy 4 Social Services At a Photo Studio

Savvy 4 Social Services At a Public Library

Savvy 5 Tourism At the Border Inspection Station

Savvy 5 Tourism At the Customs Counter

Savvy 5 Tourism How to Spend the Summer Vacation

Savvy 5 Tourism Asking the Way

Savvy 5 Tourism Going by Trolley-bus

Savvy 5 Tourism At a Chinese Restaurant

Savvy 5 Tourism About the Weather

Savvy 6 Culture and Arts Seeing a Film

Savvy 6 Culture and Arts Seeing a Play

Savvy 6 Culture and Arts Attend the Concert

Savvy 6 Culture and Arts At a Dance

Savvy 7 Sports Tips for Keeping Fit

Savvy 7 Sports A Football Match

Savvy 7 Sports Recreation and Sports

Savvy 7 Sports I'm Off for a Dip in the Bay

Savvy 8 Expressing Consent and Disagreement

Savvy 9 Opening a Bank Account

Savvy 10 Asking Directions

Savvy 11 Making a Phone Call

Savvy 12 Eating at a Fast-food Restaurant

Savvy 13 Applying for a Job

Savvy 14 Riding the Bus

Savvy 15 Shopping at a Supermarket