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Buffett’s Gift of Wealth Will Aid Efforts to Cure Diseases (免费使用)

Buffett's Gift: Starting a New Page in the History of Giving to Charity

Jojoba: Not Your Usual Oilseed Crop

Health: Looking for Skin Cancer

Visiting Teacher Programs Offer a Chance to Work in U.S.

Ken Lay Dies at 64 | Bill Aims to Renew Hedge Fund Rule

U.S. Approves New AIDS Treatment for Poor Countries

Shuttle Crew Is Busy on the Space Station, as NASA Tries to Make Up for Lost Time

U.S. Could Face Shortage of Animal Doctors for Food Inspection

Explaining the Placebo Effect

Reaction Is Split as More Women, Fewer Men, Go to College

European Union Fines Microsoft -- Again

Young People Are Subject of World Population Day

After Court Limits Bush's Power, Future for Terrorism Suspects Depends on Congress

Do-It-Yourself: Growing Carrots

Immediate Pay Increase Urged for U.S. Teachers

Building a Knowledge of Foundations

Hezbollah in Lebanon: A Group With a History of Social Services and Deadly Attacks

Rains Help Ease Crop Worries in U.S. Corn Belt

A One-Pill Answer to Treating AIDS

'Iron Science Teacher' and More at the Exploratorium

The Rise of Foundations (Part 2 in a Series)