


类别: 成人  >  成人  >  行业英语



随着新世纪的到来,中国加入了WTO,赢得了2008年奥运会的主办权,这无疑给我们带来了更多的发展契机,也给我们带来了更多的挑战。为了迎接这难得的机遇与挑战,我们根据各地、各行业职工教育和培训的需要,组织编写了一套《窗口行业职业英语培训教材》。在教材编写过程中,我们充分考虑各行业对从业人员的要求,参照国外相应的教材和教育培训经验,从从业人员的实际需要出发,确定教材内容,使整套教材具有较强的职业针对性和适用性。 本套教材共10册:《前厅服务员实用英语会话》《客房服务员实用英语会话》《餐饮酒吧服务员实用英语会话》《按摩师实用英语会话》《美容美发师实用英语会话》《康乐服务员实用英语会话》《商业营业员实用英语会话》《保安员实用英语会话》《公交乘务员实用英语会话》《出租车司机实用英语会话》。这套教材,详细介绍了各窗口行业中有代表性的实用场景会话及实用例句,精心收集了近年来常用的主要词语。内容翔实,例句丰富。 本套教材既可作为各窗口行业从业人员培训使用,也可供自学者参考。


Section One Restaurant Service Part One Reservation(1)(免费使用)

Section One Restaurant Service Part One Reservation(2)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Two Receiving the Guests(1)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Two Receiving the Guests(2)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Three Taking Orders(1)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Three Taking Orders(2)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Four Chinese Cuisine(1)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Four Chinese Cuisine(2)

Section One Restaurant Service Part Five Ordering Dessert

Section One Restaurant Service Part Six Ways of Paying

Section Two Bar Service Part One Receiving the Guests(1)

Section Two Bar Service Part One Receiving the Guests(2)

Section Two Bar Service Part Two Taking Orders(1)

Section Two Bar Service Part Two Taking Orders(2)

Section Two Bar Service Part Three Serving Wines(1)

Section Two Bar Service Part Three Serving Wines(2)

Section Two Bar Service Part Four Ways of Paying(1)

Section Two Bar Service Part Four Ways of Paying(2)