四年级上册 (2013年7月第3版)



类别: 小学  >  四年级  >  同步课程



亲爱的同学们,欢迎你们使用这套小学英语教材! 学习英语,有利于同学们更好地了解世界,学习先进的科学文化知识,和各国青少年相互沟通;有利于你们开阔视野,丰富生活经历,培养爱国主义精神,为你们的健康成长打下基础。 学完了这套英语教材,你们将能够用英语和同学们互相交流,能听懂、读懂并讲述简单的英语小故事,能演唱20多首英语歌曲和歌谣,甚至还能用英语表演小短剧呢!除了这些,你们还将了解一些外国有趣的人和事。 这套教材有以下几个特点:第一,它是专门为五年制小学的同学们编写的;第二,教材内容生动有趣,通过Li Ming、Jenny和Danny等人物展开故事,配有大量的图画;第三,重视英语的学用结合,能够帮助同学们学会用英语“做事情”;第四,学习的难度不大,只要坚持认真学习,积极参与听、说、读、写活动,就能学好!


UNIT 1 School Life Lesson 1 We have Chinese.

UNIT 1 School Life Lesson 2 What's your favourite subject?

UNIT 1 School Life Lesson 3 We sing here.

UNIT 1 School Life Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 1 School Life Lesson 5 Try yourself.

UNIT 2 Hobbies Lesson 1 Do you like running?

UNIT 2 Hobbies Lesson 2 She likes dancing.

UNIT 2 Hobbies Lesson 3 What's your hobby?

UNIT 2 Hobbies Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 2 Hobbies Lesson 5 Try yourself.

UNIT 3 Days of the Week Lesson 1 What day is today?

UNIT 3 Days of the Week Lesson 2 I can dance on Friday.

UNIT 3 Days of the Week Lesson 3 What do you do on Saturday?

UNIT 3 Days of the Week Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 3 Days of the Week Lesson 5 Try yourself.

UNIT 4 Seasons Lesson 1 It's spring.

UNIT 4 Seasons Lesson 2 It's warm in spring.

UNIT 4 Seasons Lesson 3 What season do you like?

UNIT 4 Seasons Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 4 Seasons Lesson 5 Try yourself.

UNIT 5 Weather Lesson 1 It's sunny.

UNIT 5 Weather Lesson 2 It's snowing.

UNIT 5 Weather Lesson 3 It will snow.

UNIT 5 Weather Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 5 Weather Lesson 5 Try yourself.

UNIT 6 Family Lesson 1 My father has short hair.

UNIT 6 Family Lesson 2 What does your mother do?

UNIT 6 Family Lesson 3 She works in a hospital.

UNIT 6 Family Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 6 Family Lesson 5 Try yourself.

UNIT 7 Communications Lesson 1 This is Jenny speaking.

UNIT 7 Communications Lesson 2 I'm writing an email.

UNIT 7 Communications Lesson 3 Guo Yang is running.

UNIT 7 Communications Lesson 4 Again, please!

UNIT 7 Communications Lesson 5 Try yourself.